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表.  正式に登録されているラテックスアレルゲン
正式名 慣用名 予想される生理的な役割 登録番号(蛋白質) 参考文献
Hev b 1 ラバーエロンゲーションファクター ゴムラテックスの生合成に関与 P15252 1
Hev b 2 ベータ-1,3-グルカナーゼ 生体防御蛋白質 Q7XJ83, P52407 2
Hev b 3 スモールラバーパーティクルプロテイン ゴムラテックスの生合成に関与 O82803 3
Hev b 4 マイクロヘリックスコンポーネント 生体防御蛋白質 Q8WPJ2 4
Hev b 5 酸性ラテックス蛋白質 Q39967 5
Hev b 6.01
Hev b 6.02
Hev b 6.03
プロヘベイン, ヘベインプレプロテイン
O49860, P02877, P80359 6
Hev b 7.01 = Hev b 13 (renamed)
Hev b 7.02
O04008, O81984, O65811,
Hev b 8 ラテックス プロフィリン 構造蛋白質 O65812, Q9STB6, Q9M7N0,
Q9M7M9, Q9M7M8, Q9LEI8
Hev b 9 ラテックス エノラーゼ 糖分解酵素 Q9LEJ0, Q9LEI9 9
Hev b 10 Mn-スーパーオキサイド ジスムターゼ ラジカルの消去 P35017, Q9STB5, Q9FSJ2 10
Hev b 11 クラスTエンドキチナーゼ 生体防御蛋白質 Q949H3, Q8GUD7 11
Hev b 12 脂質輸送タンパク質 生体防御蛋白質 Q8RYA8 12
Hev b 13 (= Hev b 7.01) ラテックス エステラーゼ 生体防御蛋白質 Q7Y1X1 13

重要なリンク - 蛋白質性アレルゲンについての情報源
正式に登録されている蛋白質性アレルゲンの検索ページ(WHO-IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee)
蛋白質性アレルゲンの構造データベース(The University of Texas Medical Branch, SDAP) 無料 good!
潜在的なアレルゲン性を予測するためのウェブツール (Sequence Comparison to Allergenic Proteins; Allermatch) 無料
Allergen Online (Farrp) 無料だが、利用に際しては登録が必要
A Database of Allergenic Molecules (Allergome) 無料だが、利用に際しては登録が必要 good!

ゴム製品の生物学的安全性に関する試験方法 3.6水溶性蛋白質(JIS T9010, pp.27-28)、日本工業標準調査会
天然ゴム製品から溶出する蛋白質抗原の測定((財)化学物質評価研究機構 日田事業所 担当:武吉、宮浦 TEL:0973-24-7211)
BIOMAY Wien/Vienna(研究用リコンビナントアレルゲン)
PlasmaLab International(研究用アレルギー血漿)


[0] 最近の総説, Yeang, H.Y.: Natural rubber latex allergens: new developments., Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 4, 99-104 (2004); Wagner, S. and Breiteneder, H.: Hevea brasiliensis latex allergens: current panel and clinical relevance., Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol., 136, 90-97 (2005).

[1] Czuppon, A.B., Chen, Z., Rennert, S., Engelke, T., Meyer, H.E., Heber, M. and Baur, X.: The rubber elongation factor of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) is the major allergen in latex., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 92, 690-697 (1993); Yeang, H.Y., Cheong, K.F., Sunderasan, E., Hamszah, S., Chew, N.P., Hamid, S., Hamilton, R.G. and Cardosa, M.J.: The 14.6 kd rubber elongation factor (Hev b 1) and 24 kd (Hev b 3) rubber particle proteins are recognized by IgE from patients with spina bifida and latex allergy., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 98, 628-639 (1996).

[2] Sunderasan, E., Hamzah, S., Hamid, S., Ward, M.A., Yeang, H.Y. and Cardosa, M.J.: Latex B-serum beta-1,3-glucanase (Hev b II) and a component of the microhelix (Hev b IV) are major latex allergens., J. Nat. Rubb. Res., 10, 82-99 (1995); Alenius, H., Kalkkinen, N., Lukka, M., Reunala, T., Turjanmaa, K., Makinen-Kiljunen, S., Yip, E. and Palosuo, T., Prohevein from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is a major latex allergen., Clin. Exp. Allergy, 24, 659-665 (1995).

[3] Yeang, H.Y., Cheong, K.F., Sunderasan, E., Hamszah, S., Chew, N.P., Hamid, S., Hamilton, R.G. and Cardosa, M.J.: The 14.6 kd rubber elongation factor (Hev b 1) and 24 kd (Hev b 3) rubber particle proteins are recognized by IgE from patients with spina bifida and latex allergy., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 98, 628-639 (1996); Yeang, H.Y., Ward, M.A., Zamri, A.S.M. Dennis, M.S. and Light, D.R.: Amino acid sequence similarity of Hev b 3 to two previously reported 27- and 23-kDa latex proteins allergenic to spina bifida patients., Allergy, 53, 513-519 (1998); Oh, S.K., Kang, H., Shin, D.H., Yang, J., Chow, K.S., Yeang, H.Y., Wagner, B., Breiteneder, H. and Han, K.H.: Isolation, characterization, and functional analysis of a novel cDNA clone encoding a small rubber particle protein from Hevea brasiliensis., J. Biol. Chem., 274, 17132-17138 (1999); Wagner, B., Krebitz, M., Buck, D., Niggemann, B., Yeang, H.Y., Han, K.-H., Scheiner, O. and Breiteneder, H.: Cloning, expression, and characterization of recombinant Hev b 3, a Hevea brasiliensis protein associated with latex allergy in patients with spina bifida., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 104, 1084-1092 (1999).

[4] Sunderasan, E., Hamzah, S., Hamid, S., Ward, M.A., Yeang, H.Y. and Cardosa, M.J.: Latex B-serum beta-1,3-glucanase (Hev b II) and a component of the microhelix (Hev b IV) are major latex allergens., J. Nat. Rubb. Res., 10, 82-99 (1995); Sunderasan, E, Chow, K.-S., Ward, M.A., Yeang, H.-Y.: Hev b 4 heavy peptide identified as latex cyanogenic glucosidase., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 109, No.1, S333 (2002); Sunderasan, E., Ward, M.A. and Yeang, H.Y.: Isolation and chracterization of latex cyanogenic glucosidase in Hevea brasiliensis., J. Rubber Res., 5, 244-252 (2002).

[5] Akasawa, A., Hsieh, L.-S., Martin, B.M., Liu, T. and Lin, Y.: A novel acidic allergen, Hev b 5, in latex., J. Biol. Chem., 271, 25389-25393 (1996); Slater, J.E., Vedvick, T., Arthur-Smith, A., Trybul, D.E. and Kekwick, R.G.O.: Identification, cloning, and sequence of a major allergen (Hev b 5) from natural rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis)., J. Biol. Chem., 271, 25394-25399 (1996).

[6] Alenius, H., Kalkkinen, N., Lukka, M., Reunala, T., Turjanmaa, K., Makinen-Kiljunen, S., Yip, E. and Palosuo, T., Prohevein from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is a major latex allergen., Clin. Exp. Allergy, 24, 659-665 (1995); Chen, Z., Posch, A., Lohaus, C., Raulf-Heimsoth, M., Meyer, H.E. and Baur, X.: Isolation and identification of hevein as a major IgE-binding polypeptide in Hevea latex., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 99, 402-409 (1997); Beezhold, D.H., Kostyal, D.A. and Sussman, G.L.: IgE epitope analysis of the hevein preprotein; a major latex allergen., Clin. Exp. Immunol., 108, 114-121 (1997).

[7] Beezhold, D.H., Sussman, G.L., Kostyal, D.A. and Chang, N.-S.: Identification of a 46-kd latex protein allergen in health care workers., Clin. Exp. Immunol., 98, 408-413 (1994); Kostyal, D.A., Hickey, V.L., Noti, J.D., Sussman, G.L. and Beezhold, D.H.: Cloning and characterization of a latex allergen (Hev b 7): homology to patatin, a plant PLA2., Clin. Exp. Immunol., 112, 355-362 (1998); Sowka, S., Wagner, S., Krebitz, M., Arija-Mad-Arif, S., Yusof, F., Kinaciyan, T., Brehler, R., Scheiner, O. and Breiteneder, H.: cDNA cloning of the 43-kD latex allergen Hev b 7 with sequence similarity to patatins and its expression in the yeast Pichia pastoris., Eur. J. Biochem., 255, 213-219 (1998); Yeang, H.Y., Chow, K.S., Yusof, F., Arif, S.A., Chew, N.P. and Loke, Y.H.: Appraisal of latex glove proteins in the induction of sensitivity to multiple latex allergens., J. Investig. Allergol. Clin. Immunol., 10, 215-222 (2000).

[8] Vallier, P., Balland, S., Harf, R., Valenta, R. and Deviller, P.: Identification of profilin as an IgE-binding component in latex from Hevea brasiliensis: clinical implications., Clin. Exp. Allergy, 25, 332-339 (1995); Nieto, A., Mazon, A., Estornell, F., Boquete, M., Carballada, F., Martinez, A., Asturias, J.A., Aguirre, M., Martinez, J. and Palacios, R.: Profilin, a relevant allergen in latex allergy., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 101, S207 (1998); Rihs, H.P., Chen, Z., Rozynek, P., Baur, X., Lundberg, M. and Cremer, R.: PCR-based cloning, isolation, and IgE-binding properties of recombinant latex profilin (rHev b 8)., Allergy, 55, 712-717 (2000).

[9] Wagner, S., Breiteneder, H., Simon-Nobbe, B., Susani, M., Krebitz, M., Niggemann, B., Brehler, R., Scheiner, O. and Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K.: Hev b 9, an enolase and a new cross-reactive allergen from hevea latex and molds. Purification, characterization, cloning and expression., Eur. J. Biochem., 267, 7006-7014 (2000).

[10] Wagner, S., Sowka, S., Mayer, C., Crameri, R., Focke, M., Kurup, V.P., Scheiner, O. and Breiteneder, H.: Identification of a Hevea brasiliensis latex manganese superoxide dismutase (Hev b 10) as a cross-reactive allergen., Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol., 125, 120-127 (2001).

[11] O'Riordain, G., Radauer, C., Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K., Adhami, F., Peterbauer, C.K., Blanco, C., Godnic-Cvar, J., Scheiner, O., Ebner, C. and Breiteneder, H.: Cloning and molecular characterization of the Hevea brasiliensis allergen Hev b 11, a class I chitinase., Clin. Exp. Allergy, 32, 455-462 (2002); Rihs, H.P., Dumont, B., Rozynek, P., Lundberg, M., Cremer, R., Bruning, T. and Raulf-Heimsoth, M.: Molecular cloning, purification, and IgE-binding of a recombinant class I chitinase from Hevea brasiliensis leaves (rHev b 11.0102)., Clin. Exp. Allergy, 58, 246-251 (2003).

[12] Beezhold, D.H., Hickey, V.L., Kostyal, D.A., Puhl, H., Zuidmeer, L., van Ree, R. and Sussman, G.L.: Lipid transfer protein from Hevea brasiliensis (Hev b 12), a cross-reactive latex protein., Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 90, 439-445 (2003).

[13] Bernstein, D,I,, Biagini, R.E., Karnani, R., Hamilton, R., Murphy, K., Bernstein, C., Arif, S.A., Berendts, B. and Yeang, H.Y.: In vivo sensitization to purified Hevea brasiliensis proteins in health care workers sensitized to natural rubber latex., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 111, 610-616 (2003); Arif, S.A., Hamilton, R.G., Yusof, F., Chew, N.P., Loke, Y.H., Nimkar, S., Beintema, J.J. and Yeang, H,Y.: Isolation and characterization of the early nodule specific protein homologue (Hev b 13), an allergenic lipolytic esterase from Hevea brasiliensis latex., J. Biol. Chem., 279, 23933-23941 (2004).


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